This notebook shows, how to create python virtual environment

Different ways of creating python virtual environment

  1. Using yml file
  2. Using conda create command

1. Using yml file

* First create environment.yml file
* conda env create -f environment.yml
name: tablenv 
  - defaults
  - numpy=1.16.2
  - pandas=0.24.2
  - matplotlib=3.0.3

2. Using conda create command

* conda create --name tablenv <br>
#### for specific version
* conda create -n tablenv python=3.7.7

Other steps

###### to activate conda env
* conda activate tablenv 
###### to deactivate env
* conda deactivate tablenv 
###### to make available for jupyter notebook
* conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
###### to make available for jupyter notebook
* ipython kernel install --user --name=tablenv
###### to remove environment
* conda env remove -n tablenv
###### list the environment 
*  conda env list
*  conda info -e